Just smile and bear it series - The beggining

There have been many times from since I was three to present day where something that irked me all the way down to my soul was said and I chose to stay quite. That was me, smiling and bearing it. It's not something I'm fond of. In fact, it's something that is against everything that is quintennial to my being.  But since we, as humans of present day society, are so used to doing this, I'm not sure if most of you will fully believe or comprehend how hard doing that has always been for me. Hard enough, that every single incident, from since I was three years of age, has been seared into my memory. 
Little Rakind! I never would've backed down.
Not even back then. 

Do you remember much from when you where three? Or five. or even seven? Most people don't remember much from there childhood. I happen to be part of the minority that remembers too much. I remember the good and the bad. Every single moment that defined my life and there are one too many that happened before I even turned ten. 
As child who decided at four that the universe should let me die fighting for my principles by the time I turn nine, I guess that's to be expected. Back then, it was my self prescribed age limit. It's not that I simply didn't want to live, it's just that, I wanted to be like Chotte Sahibzade. You may not know much of Sikh history so, I'll give you an example from the western literature as well. You know that character named Gavroche in Les Misérables, the kid who died fighting in the barricades. It's my favourite part of the play.That's what I wanted to achieve in life. It was my biggest wish at four therefore, I never imagined being older than nine. But, there never was such a revolution when I was a child, so here I am. However, for that very reason, I remember so much of my childhood. Because every moment was life defining, and every moment was precious. It still is. 

Out of all those moments, I've chosen to talk about the irksome ones in this series. Why? Because staying silent really isn't my thing. Then why even smile and bear it to begin with? Because making a stand right then and there, for what ever the issue may be, small or big, isn't always the right thing to do. To me, it's right if it'll create change and get the message across. But if instead, it'll make one shut down and not even give credence to what actually matter, I'd rather smile and bear it. At least I still have the opportunity to start a conversation later. One that'll get the point across and actually make one listen and revaluate their stance. 

Through this series on Khwagah, I hope to share those moments and start a conversation with the you - the readers, in hope that we can all grow and learn from it. Learn how are speech and simple statements may have a long term impact in both positive and negative ways on someone's life. How we can both hinder and help someone's dream by being more mindful of our presence and it's impact in the world. We all, ever single one of us, creates myriad ripples on daily basis that changes the tide. Lets try and make ripples we want. The ones that'll turn the tide and make this world better. If one has to dream, why not dream big. Right? 


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