At odds

Once upon a time, my soul, my heart and my mind stayed awake arguing on a very long night. They generally worked in harmony, and even now it was there. It was just that they were all in agreement and disagreement within themselves. Neither could decide where they stood. As they didn't know where they stood, they couldn't sway the others. So a long restless night, they spent tossing and turning. Fretting about what to do.
When with dawn came the rays of new light, they still had no solution. Days, weeks, months went by in fretting. Mulling over everything they knew. All that they believed in and stood for. Trying to find a solution that proved elusive.
They then went to ask for help from where they knew it would come. They asked for the families opinion. They asked for Guru's guidance. After that, they'd known what to do. They'd know what need to be done. They knew, yet...they couldn't bring it about inside of them to accept the decision that had already formed.
The heart said " Is it really so selfish to want to be yourself? Is it so wrong to simply be you, all the time? Am I really in the wrong..." Listening to the hearts lament, the brain clung to it with deep understanding. Not wanting to let go, they hung on to it for another week. It seemed they'd spent eternity trying to come to a resolve. The soul, knowing as it always does, and being gentle as it always is, let them grieve. After all it wasn't an easy decision to have made. To let go of the honesty of yourself for sake of everyone else.
The soul waited, accessing the grief. When the grief had been washed over, with the generosity that lived within, the soul nudged others. The soul called the heart and the mind into a conference,  bringing all the senses to attention. Then the soul pronounced "We all know what the decision is. And despite the reservation we all are in agreement. I understand the sacrifice we're about to make. I know no one will ever care. No one may even ever believe what we gave up and why. But none of that matters. The question we need to answer for ourselves is - is being lenient on one of our core principles worth more to us than everyone's happiness? Is it more important than what needs to be put right in this world we currently reside in?  Can we be selfish enough to hold on to our righteousness and let nature down? Let the next generations of all civilizations be lost? Can we live an eternity guilt free if we don't make this sacrifice? Is it really so much to expect of our own selves?"
After such strong and moving words, heart choking with tears managed to say "No, of course not. A principle can not be more important than everyone's happiness." The mind, logical and calm looked at all the facets and said "We've made the decision. We've grieved the loss we're about to face. It may be hard in the beginning, but what journey having worth isn't? So let it be declared, let us move on. We've lived the age of being us. Content, happy and honest. Now let everything else be Daswand. It's not ours to claim anyway."
And with a smile and glow that returned with the harmony of self being restored, they decided with the consent of all whom matter, to grow up in the social term. So, they shall let life be satisfactorily established in what society deems right.


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