Rebellion that ought to be

Drugged abused persecuted
shamed humiliated murdered
stripped of identity, ideology, philosophy
left naked burning under the sun
and yet, there was no rebellion
and yet, there is no rebellion
Someone will do something
like a firecracker hope flew
with a bang destroyed itself
and so deaf we are
no one even flinched
so blind
that no one blinked
the times will change
the tides come and go
everything will be ok
we can only hope
but no one is hoping
no one believes
depression you can call it
but it is suppression indeed
and to those like me
who shout the truth
they've labelled stupid idealist
and walked onto coals barefoot
so we who cared
fell into a silent deliberation
preparing for the war
that's society's only creation
and now they tell us
why don't you speak?
But I ask you
O' deaf ones
why would we indeed?
we tried evoking
we tried provoking
we've tried explaining
we've tried proving
and yet, you chose not to rebel
and yet, you choose not to rebel
so we've fallen silent
to rebel against
all that you expect of us few.

-22nd June 2016


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