
We all want proof of everything in life nowadays. To me it seems that the idea of proof blossomed about renaissance with Newton's Common Sense, followed by the enlightenment. Which possibly is my favorite period of human history from the Western prospective. I'm rather glad wanting proof became a thing because I wouldn't want to live in the world were mass believes the earth is flat.
But as our scientific sense developed and reason became the norm; has all our imagination been lost?
I know the creative and imaginative is fairly well celebrated today but it has been dubbed nothing but fiction. If something is not tangible or scientifically proved, it isn't true.
But isn't believing that fundamentally against reason?
Science does but explain things that exist and how they work. Inventions and technology may seem to have reached the stars, but it hasn't even touched our own galaxy let alone look beyond it. It may have created test-tube babies, nut it hasn't yet created life. Sure it may in future. But the point here is, this big gigantically enormous universe already exist that science neither created nor has yet explained. So simply not believing or ridiculing anyone's believe that are beyond science, is frankly against reason itself. 


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