A conversation with self.
Well since I did decide to dedicate all post this month to feelings, it's safe to assume there will be poetry everywhere. And one major thing, I learnt as a kid was, feelings will either fuel your passions or destroy your dreams based on one simple thing - are you being true to yourself? I've reflected on my own words, looked in my own self enough to have had developed making judgement of right and wrong based on - can I look myself in the eye? Didn't matter what the world said. Never has and never will. I seem to keep saying this a lot, but no-one will ever know you better then yourself and no-one can paint a more honest picture of you, than yourself. So, go have conversations with yourself, and if you need assistance because you don't know where to start or how; get in touch with nature. Meanwhile, here's an example of my self reflection :
"Sometimes I think you are naïve
sometimes you seem a hopeless romantic

At times I think
you might just be a true idealist
or perhaps the idiot
who ends up dead in some ditch
No matter how you see yourself
the fate of those
who stick to their hope
with uncompromising principles
is to become an unmarked tombstone;
so says the world"
"Whatever the fate may be,
just that or even worse,
I am creature of nature,
who foster hopes and dreams.
I know not how to
not follow them,
or give up in-between.
And I know not
what that makes me
to this dreary world,
I stand by my feelings
true and strong
defending every thrust.
If I were to define it,
I would say
that's what makes me Sikh.
I am a Kaur,
I need no saving.
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