Get up & Do something!
So this started out as a Facebook post that got long and I decided to just write a blog on the matter instead. If you live in US, I know you are overwhelmed by issues. It's OK. Take a minute. Breathe. And buckle up because we're going to be in free fall for a long time even after the end of current presidency.
But this isn't just an issue US has to deal with. This isn't a countries problem. It's a problem we as a planet face and it effects us all. Therefore, if you find yourself being frustrated by the mercurial weather, get up and do something about it!
But this isn't just an issue US has to deal with. This isn't a countries problem. It's a problem we as a planet face and it effects us all. Therefore, if you find yourself being frustrated by the mercurial weather, get up and do something about it!
Support Non-profits working to stop corporation and politicians destroying the planet. Get involved with your local community and see whose creating an effective change. Donate monthly if you can. Donate time if you can. And if for whatever reason you feel like you're burning candle on both ends and you don't even have the time to sign a petition, take a moment to self-inspect your thinking. Is all that has you so tangled more important to you than your life, your families life and all life on earth? I highly doubt you are that conceded. Not asking you to marshal in each protest or lead the troops. But may be take just an hour out of your whole month and help the NGO or Cause you find most relative, by phone-banking from the comforts of your home.
You are smart, tech-savvy, environmentally conscious human beings of twenty-first century. You can make a change. I, in all honestly believe, we can save this planet and all we have to do is stand together and stop the so called powerful entities from doing utterly stupid things. I know we can do it. Now, we just need to.
This is my plea to you all - throw all your excuses and reasons that seem to keep you from being involved, get up and do something. Do something before the eco system is so out of balance that we end up exterminating our own self from existence. Nature, without a doubt will heal itself. But if you have ever wanted to leave a mark behind, may be work to leave generations alive who can observe it.
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