Mister God, This is Anna - by Fynn

This perhaps is my favourite book. I don't think a true book lover could ever with full certainty tell you what their favourite book really is. But we do always know which ones we love and which ones have hold of our souls. Mister God, This is Anna is definitely one of those for me.

I still remember the first time I was in the middle of reading it. I couldn't walk you through all that I felt, thought, and what shook with-in me by the time I reached the last word. I couldn't even walk you through the end of chapter one honestly. 

The first paragraph, with in it, all my being had been summed up in perfect words for me. 

The second paragraph had my eyes in tears.

The second page, was a description of knowing me.

The third page violated humanity so profoundly I couldn't contain the tears in my eyes or control them for hours to come. 

I picked it up again today. And it literally had the same effect. I still have tears running down my face and probably will for quite a bit. 

This is the story of a five year old girl told by her best friend who knew her until the day she died. And she died when she was eight. The only difference between her existence and mine is - she had to find the family I was gifted with at birth and she got to die while I had to grow up. 

She knew exactly who she was and what she wanted. She had a theory of her own about everything (and I mean everything) and a unique view of the world. She loved with all she was and knew when she was loved before those who loved her knew that. She always said "The difference from a person and an angel is easy. Most of an angel is in the inside and most of a person is on the outside."She asked a million question and if you asked her one she always gave you direct, simple and to the point answer (eventually).

If you ever get a chance, regardless of if you like reading or hate it, read this book. It may potentially change your life. Change who you are. 


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