Rub some dirt on it...

When we are young and get a minor cut or scrape the adults around generally tell you to rub some dirt on it. I heard that a lot growing up. It wasn't necessarily said to me, it was just said a lot. It still is. I've heard it a lot all my life. In several languages, said by several people, in several contexts, to several people. I'm sure you have too. It in essence is almost like saying it'll all be OK. Leave it be, it'll heal with time.

Nowadays I feel like that's what everyone is saying to ourselves and the planet. Just rub some dirt on it. But our administration, the policies, the government, climate change, global warming, politics, all these issues, they're not minor scrapes. They're the symptoms of a fatal disease that is growing worse by the breath. So how can we just rub some dirt on it? How is that supposed to fix everything? 

If you had cancer, you'd look for treatment. Even if you were terminal you'd look for options. Even if you chose to simply let the cancer run its course and await death, your everyday choices from the point you found out and made the decision would be different. I wonder how long would you live in denial if you did refuse to believe in the diagnosis? Because that's what as humanity most of us are doing in our current situation. We as society and our planet as a whole, has been diagnosed with fatal illness and we have chosen to either be ignorant or in denial of both the disease and those who want to look for treatment options and treat it. 

I honestly feel like it's a sad state of affairs. What could we do? Perhaps, at least conduct a through check up and research before you declare an utterly unhealthy state of being in perfect health. Everything else comes after. If we can't acknowledge our own state of being to begin with - does anything else even matter then? 

If you still just want to rub some dirt on it, after a full inspection and evaluation, go ahead. At that point, it might actually be effective. Why? Because the intentions are different. Instead of ignoring the problem you're actually treating and hoping for recovery. How? You have probably heard it all your life just like I have but, how many time did you actually rub some dirt on your cuts and scrapes? Mostly never, right? Or if you did, it was so long ago that you can't remember if it actually made any difference or not. Dirt can heal a lot more than a few scrapes. That is, if you let yourself be healed.  


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