It matters not what was; What matters is, What is.

We dig and dig, find new methods, to make sure that we can scientifically prove the information we have is objective, rational and true. So, we can trust it. But we forget, that there is more to life then truth. If there wasn't, if feelings, dreams, emotions, imaginations, thoughts, poetry, stories, legend, tales, weren't more important than the 'cold hard facts' there would be no such things as music, art, and culture. Life would lose it's sweetness and we would merely exist. It'd be a world with no colours, not even tones, black, white or greys.  So, in the race to find the origins of humanity, lets try and not forget to first be humane. 

It matters not what was; What matters is, What is.
For there is much to write
but not every thought can be written
For there is much to say
but not everything can be uttered
For there is much that we feel
but not everything felt can be expressed
One leaves behind a legacy
For legend is what, but a life
True or false may the stories be
and even the proof may be faulty
It matters not what was
What matters is, what is
And we shall remember only
what we were left with
For what is more honorable
then to be considerable to the dead
For it was left to us for a reason
And the biggest one of all
was simply that
What is writ shall be read
And may be even remembered
That I who wrote it
Was once alive
No matter if I was real
In the worlds reality
or simply the figment
of a mind who created me.


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