
To Hemkunt Sahib

Books, book market, Delhi. Ice cream, top'n'town, Bhopal. Summer, Waterfalls, Guru ka lahore, Stories, Nana ji (Grand pa), Nolli. Hiking, mountains, Hemkunt Sahib..... If i kept going with this strange random looking list of things associated with place in my head, it'll be 2016 and I won't be done. I'm greatly thankful that my thoughts move 1000 times faster then I can type or write or even scribble. These places and things are related to lots of people, that generate a lot of memories. 

I happen to have a rather good memory, and on daily basis at some point within 24 hrs I think of almost all the moments of my life. When I moved out to US and specially to LA, everyone kept asking me, don't I miss home. The thing is, I operate on my theories not the worlds. I pretty much have a theory about everything, but they pertain only to me. Previously I posted about my theory on how I have no brain, therefore I never compartmentalize. Everything just exists altogether in my head. My analogy for my thinking system is of a hard-drive. It's got folders and files, and it rather organized but everything is stored in one place. There are no divisions. 

Story time with Nana ji
What that does is, makes me orbit all the thoughts I ever had, everyday. I don't miss things or people, because they never even for a day leave my thoughts. Some of them I don't remember the names of, like all my classmates from Kindergarten, and yet I remember what they looked like and how they acted at the time. Some people I never even knew the names of 'cause we met briefly on a street, plane or some-other place just once. Hence, my theory, you miss things when you first forget, then remember them.I simply don't forget most of the time. 

There are a few things I sometimes wish to forget and I kinda have to sit aside, alone in a garden and work on forgetting it. There are about two decades of memories that circle around in my head. But than again, my parents named me Rakind. Rakind means full moon, and it circles around earth every single day! How could I not? 


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