
Summer brings time, more day-light, longer days. And everyone is out and about doing what they love to do in summer. I also find people searching to do things, which I honestly find rather odd sometimes. It's definitely fun to explore and see the world. But to me, it only mean something and brings you joy, if you also explore your own self. The world can inspire you, but only you can define yourself, and bring contentment to your life.

On my summer list, things get added on and change, but here are my constants:

I try to call and catch up with as many people as I can. Summer, amusingly enough, isn't long enough to let me catch up with everyone.

I read dozens of books. Most reading, every year, happens in summer.

I visits, parks, gardens, beaches, both alone and with friends and have a ton of picnics. Consequently, I write a lot too. Although, not as much as in spring.

I paint, create, photograph, creativity is pretty much in full swing in summer. 

I go to a lot of local places, just walk around in different areas of LA, and observe life. 

And I write letters to friends, people I love, people who inspire me, people that I want to tell something that means a lot to me. 

I also garden quite a bit, it's been of the list for a few years because I didn't have space to garden, but now it back and I'm very glad of that. 

Also whats new is going to Music shows, not that I haven't gone to concerts a lot every summer, but this year and past I've been supporting and following Dinosaur Parade, so it a lot more frequent. 

And as a result of all of it together, I believe I shop the most in summer too. I run out of books, art supplies so I stock up and since I'm out and about I find random things for my home and cloths of course. 

I would add dinners at my place, but that pretty much a constant through out the year. I guess the only difference is some of my utterly busy friends, that I don't see all that much year round, tear themselves away from their busy lives and come visit me. 

So, to all the graduates, of all different ages, happy Summer Vacation. And to every one else who doesn't have the luxury of summer break because you're now a grown-up with a job, have a beautiful, happy summer. 


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