The Ugly Duckling

I was talking to one of my friends over pakorre a few days ago who is feeling a tad bit depressed and wondering what to do in life, just like most of us in our 20's. And in the progression of this conversation we ended up on the topic of volunteering too much information of our life to people we thought good friends when we were younger. Friends we believed understood us, when they didn't. More so, didn't even want to. It is a hard lesson to learn that there aren't many people in life that care about us and even fewer who truly want to understand us and do, at any level. I believe at a certain point, generally around the end of teen years, we all learn that lesson. I, being strange and different as I am, learnt it around about 2nd grade.

As a kid, I was the odd one out. At school at least for the entire first grade, a loner too. I've always been a deep thinker. Very imagination, very inquisitive. If I were to define this with a film reference, I was pretty much a combination of Rooh, Lumpy and Pooh from The pooh's heffalump movie.

As a child my biggest annoyance was to get anyone to believe me. My convictions about everything were always well thought and true. I knew the difference between  make belief and truth, but it was hard to show that to grown-ups. They'd indulge me, but not believe. My second grade teacher didn't even believe that I wrote the poems, I'd written. Doctor's wouldn't believe I was getting sick until I did. No one would believe that plants, animals, insects and birds were actually my friends until the impact of that friendship became visible and hard to deny.

Still people have hard time believing my theories on life until they witness the impact of my beliefs in life. Why ask me a question if, you don't want to believe the answer I give? Why ask me about history if you think I'm wrong? Why ask me what cures what; or what food does what if you have no faith in my knowledge? I stand by my conviction because they are tried and true. If you don't want to believe truth to be true, that's OK. But doesn't quite mean I'm wrong. Since when, is there one way of doing things? Since when is there only one solution?
Now if you were to ask me what equals 4, I could say:
2 + 2 = 4
5 - 1 = 4
4 * 1 = 4
8 / 2 = 4
and there are many more ways to answer that question, that are all true and right. It would be stupid of me to dismiss all answers but one, because that's the one I like and chose to stand by. I find most people complaining how no one is open minded anymore. How do we have the right to complain when we aren't willing to open our own minds. When we refuse to see that other lifestyles, cultures, theories, beliefs may have a truthful foundation as well. The world is only as tolerant as we our.

I honestly fail to understand, how all of us keep forgetting society is the way we made it. That we also hold the power to change it. If we don't like the way somethings done, not only do we not have to do it, but can actually change it. It is baffling how worthless so many of us feel when every one of us has so much power.

It is a hard lesson to learn and harder to live with. The knowledge that no one will ever be able to understand you, brings a lot of pain but then it (if you let it) it evolves into contentment. It's an old say - truth will set you free. And I'm adding - only if you let it. 


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