A brewing storm.
When I wrote Broken, I was full of grief and frustration on matter of rapes and abuse. When I wrote The time I cursed, I was recollecting my rage that a man had thought I couldn't defend myself, for I was a girl. And when I wrote Dislocating shoulders, I was annoyed at men thinking they can treat women in any oppressing, misogynistic manner they very well please.
Not that I think all men are alike and responsible for such violence. I've been blessed enough for such abuse to have never occurred in my family. And lucky to have met and made friends who loath such men, which is saying something for I have a lot of friends and the gender distribution is amusingly equal.

Because the way I see it, it's a shame, and such a great indignity that one needs to undermine another human to feel powerful. How much lower can someone's self-esteem fall? Your self-respect must be non-existent, and self-confidence stripped away; that you need to abuse someone verbally or physically to feel in control. And how demining must your own life be to you, that you have such a need to feel in control. What does it say about you; that you have to make the worthy, feel worthless. That you need to undermine and engender fear in women, without whom, you can't exist.
I'm not going to say anything like real men are like this or that. Because it's not about being a man or a woman or even human really. We all (and by all I mean every living being) have inherited this earth and environment and it's our responsibility to do the best we can with it. It's simply about being respectful to everyone. Of course you don't have to be a respectable person in the least but in that case, if punishment, prison and death is what comes your way, well then that's the conclusion of your own actions. If for whatever reason you wish to lead a miserably pathetic life, go ahead. But I will never stop asking you why and do everything I possibly can to ensure, you don't pull others into the same sort of misery or, hurt anyone in the wake of your self-loathing.
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