In this day an' age
Who knows what Satti Pratha is? if you don't Google it.
Now that you know what it is and how horrific it is and you're thinking thank goodness it's been eradicated. Answer yourself - has it really been eradicated?
We joke about First world problems, racism, feminism, all the -isms really. We think we've made great progress but, have we?
No matter how hard a life you've lived, the horrors of our present human world will still shock you. Are you brave enough to look at that honest picture?
No matter how much you deny or say Yes, but deep down you know your answer is no. Only a few, very few of you can honestly say yes. Most of you can't bare to look at a tiny fraction of that picture for more than a few minutes because it ain't pretty.
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Imagine if Sun decided to not share and all you had to live with was artificial light.
Now imagine your electricity bills, and then running out of electricity and regular cuts.
Let me close this circle and bring us back to Satti Pratha. Do me a favor, and very honestly answer yourself - what are the chances you would've spared the words alone a thought had I not brought it up? And while we're all sitting and reading this in are cozy little corners, thinking it just couldn't be a thing any more, can it? I mean what are the chances it still happens? Alright yes, there are anomalies and exceptions and there's theoretically a tiny chance it may have happened in the past decade in some small backwards village in some corner of India. But surely, it's only theoretical.
Well, allow me to crack your rosy glasses and tell you it's not. It's the practical reality of more women than you imagine even in this day an' age. The fact that it's been a reality of any single woman within the past century is disdainful, (I don't even have a way of expressing how I feel about it's existence, not in this, last or any century since the beginning of time) but you need not look further than a decade.
So while you sit in a comfy couch sipping hot coco, coffee or tea; or are having beer with your friends in your backyards on a warm summer eve, do spare a moment to put the realities of the world you've built in prospective. Not that you ought to stop being happy or having fun at all, but it's that blissful ignorance and neglect of the ongoings' of the world that has made it's dark side so heinous. If you've got a drop of light, even if for a mere Nano-second, do pour it in where it's needed most. Those Nano-seconds will, eventually become eternity.
P.S. - It's took everything out of me to not mention any other abusive horrors of our society. I know overloading would only result in a crash and you'll reboot to the previous version where you didn't even know of this one. The world of drinkers jokes about people who are light weights. Perhaps rather than growing endurance to alcohol, some of you can grow endurance to face realties.
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