Shall I rant then

I think they just don't go to poetry slams
they tell me I oughta vent
and I think they need to read my lines again
some think I don't have a bad thing to say
but trust me,
I know which way world's moral compass sways
Sure I could go on and on
about the abuse, crimes and broken laws
oh I could complain!
for days without end
I'm a woman after all,
I've dealt with more creeps and injustice
than most men
and just 'cause I wanna make my own way
walk on path that I myself lay
you won't believe how many times
I hadda defend my choices
to those gossipy voices
and in all honesty
I complained about it all
it's not my fault
if you're too thick to recall
Sure I don't cuss and cuss
about societies pitfalls
but I'm the poet
who walks with a sword and pen
using ink made of venom
and turning it into love again
If denting the world
by venting and ranting
was ever gonna do anything
we would've been living
in a glorious world
but since we aren't
do leave my ranting, un-ranting to me
For I shall rant when happiness is abundance
and ranting about something cruel
isn't actually redundant.
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