Being alone

Living on your own far from all you’ve known, your family and everything familiar accompanied by those self-discovery years in a strange new place where you must be strong and fearless to be accomplished and stand on your own two feet. Romantic and awe inspiring notion as it is, it's also indescribably hard.
Your family, understanding, supportive and loving, can’t always understand things you have to deal with. And try as they might, their suggestions and solutions sometimes do more harm than help. You’ve got this burden of not failing, doing better than expected, dealing with the world and it’s harsh new realities alone, on you shoulders that it seem to weigh you down to the ground. And in all this, even when surrounded by new friends that you trust but haven’t tested the loyalties of, you feel utterly alone. That loneliness  in  hardship leads you to depression.
How can you share what’s going on with your family, for they’ll worry and give you sympathy but their feeling of helplessness will only add to your burden. Meanwhile the added weight of un-shared feelings goes unnoticed by even you.
In all of this, how do you make it above ground? How do you touch the skies you aim to soar? How do you focus on now and here?
Well, if you are lucky enough and observe a little, you’ll find that one friend, may be even more, whose gone through the same things. Who are going through the same things. Maybe you can’t imagine they had the self doubts, and problems that you’re dealing with, and maybe not exactly those, but they’ve had the similar ones. Lean on them. Let them help you by simply listening to you if nothing more. Unburden yourself to them. It won’t add to their burden at all. If anything it’ll give ‘em joy. Because if no-one had done that for them, they’ll be happy they could help someone. And if someone had, they’ll be happy for having paid it forward.
As utterly alone as we all feel, we never truly are. The world may in fact be out to get you, but there's always help where you didn’t expect it. Like the phoenix in the secret chambers. (Couldn’t resist honouring J. K. Rowling's a bit)


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