Dislocating shoulders

Some time ago, I had this (what I call awesome) dream where I was enraged by two men enough to have actually dislocated both shoulders of one of them. Why? It's terribly easy to guess really. But I'll tell you the way my dream went.
So the dream began with me and Mandi walking about Hollywood trying to get to some concert some evening (we'd been to a Dinosaur Parade show at Hotel CafĂ© the night I had the dream. I guess that's where the location came from.) and around the entrance, just a few yards away, were these two creepy-ish men. As we walked past them ('cause we had to) one of them made a rude remark about me and of course I replied curtly back and moved on. We were inside for a while and came out for some air while the new band set up. When we got outside, we found the two same men still standing about the same spot.
We stayed right by the entrance, ignoring them even thought we could hear them talking about what'd happened earlier. I wanted to go yell at them but didn't for there wouldn't have been a point in creating a situation. We decided to just go back in when the other one said to the first "let me try" and comes and says something that I found very rude and still just verbally remarked back and moved towards the door. Which is when he tried to grab my wrist; that made me mad enough, that in a attempt to free my hand, I dislocated that shoulder of his. And to his own discredited, he cursed at me so I dislocated the other. Meanwhile Mandi being smart as she is, had brought her car round and we came home. And my dream ended with us having tea of course.
Now I've mentioned how my dream picked the location, but why'd I have such dream? Well the day before that, I'd been to the store to get groceries when this big bulky guy (I'll share the relevance of appearance in a minute) not so rudely, yet in a manner that irritated and annoyed me, had hit on me. Since he wasn't technically rude, I gave him benefit of the doubt and walked away ignoring him.  To his credit he didn't say anything else and went about his shopping.
Amusingly my first thought after was, may be I'll stop shopping groceries to which my sarcastic self replied 'like that's possible.' Talk about instant comic relief! The next day on our way to see Michael's band (like I mentioned - Dinosaur Parade) I'd shared my annoyance with Mandi and sadly enough she had worse situations that had annoyed her recently.  
Now the two men in my dream where big and bulky too, since those events had resulted in me having this dream. So, naturally my inquisitive self asked could I really dislocate someone's shoulder in relatively easy manner, when the person was clearly physically stronger than me. To find the answer, I researched the medical and martial art books, looking specifically for the manner my dream self had used to dislocate the shoulders. And to my own surprise, found it could be done and I'd done it right.
FYI people, my subconscious self knows how to physically hurt people. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised at the fact. I do know human anatomy rather well, I know how to heal people. So, knowing how to break people is somewhat of a natural by-product. Regardless of the matter I haven't ever done so, or thought about it before.


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