Have you ever?

Have you ever been engulfed
in the sweet scent of night?
have you ever wandered
bare feet in the dead street,
of a bustling city,
under the moonlight?
Have you ever stood still
counting the bricks of ,
an old abandoned building?
Have you ever shed
a tear with a smiling face,
for a murdered tree,
knowing it'll rejuvenate.
Have you ever known,
not hoped, not have faith,
simply know,
That everything will one day,
turn out great. 

Now before you think of me as an optimist, for it has happened far too many times, I shall inform you I'm not. Optimists don't see or actually ignore the bad things in the world; I don't. What I am, is a Sikh. Chardikala is engraved in my soul and so is standing up for, not just mine, but everyone's rights. I was raised to not ignore things, but deal with them. With understanding, integrity and love. And thus, I need no optimism.  


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