What do you do?

I find that the simplest questions in life, are the most loaded ones. Questions like:
How are you?
Where are you from?
What do you do?

Trust me, my theory on 'how are you?' and 'where are you from?' will end up here soon. But today, lets tackle 'what do you do?'

Generally most of us just want an answer like " I'm a student of/at..", "I work at.." and so forth. but honestly, to me that never seemed the right way of answering that. When someone ask me that question and I feel that they don't quite care for my actual answer, I usually reply by changing the question. But for those of you who have had an actual answer by me, the shortest version of it has generally been "I write, read, cook, go to school, work, that's about it"

Here's the answer I always want to give, and do give, when I feel the person I'm talking to will understands it or knows me enough to get it.

What do I do?

I live my life the way I want to. on my own terms, in razaa, in love with nature. Yes, I'm a student, an artist, a writer, a poet., and now, a blogger. But that isn't so much of what I do then a tiny part of who I am.Yes, I have jobs like most of us. Not so much so because I need money, more so, because i want to make my own way in the world. There will never be one thing i do, one job I have, one specific title that could ever define, what I do.


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